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    Cross Support, Interoperability, and Standards (CSIS)


    (Subtopics) (1) Communications Standards (Link Layer, Network Layer, Application Layer etc.) (2) Communications Standards (3) Modelling standards (4) Interoperability and Cross Support Standards (5) Telerobotics Standards (6) Other Relevant Standards (7) Applying Standards to Space Missions (8) Cross Support Catalogs, Development and Utilization (9) Interoperability Successes and Failures

    TPC members
    • Topic Chair: Gian Paolo Calzolari, European Space Agency (ESA), Germany;

    • Topic Chair: Mr. Christophe Belzile, Canadian Space Agency (CSA), Canada;





    1. CSIS - 1 "Standardized Ground Segment Services for Spacecraft Operations"

    2020-05-21 16:00

    Room 1.41 & 1.42

    2. CSIS - 2 "Interoperable Standards Supporting Multiple Missions"

    2020-05-22 10:30

    Room 1.41 & 1.42

    3. TP - CSIS

    4. EP - CSIS

    5. OA - CSIS