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  • SpaceOps-2020
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  • topic 16


    Beyond Borders in Human Endeavour (BBO)


    (Subtopics) (1) Space operations challenges in the New Space World (2) Private and public collaborations (3) Multinational missions (4) Influence of national policies on international cooperation (5) Education industry collaborations (6) New ideas for conducting operations on academia side (7) Mission operations support from academia to others (8) Space Education Initiatives

    TPC members
    • Topic Chair: Ms. Gladys Magagula, South African National Space Agency (SANSA), South Africa;

    • Topic Chair: Dr. Harry Shaw, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United States;





    1. BBO - 1 "Beyond Borders in Human Endeavour"

    2020-05-20 16:00

    Room 2.61 & 2.63

    2. BBO - 2 "Beyond Borders in Human Endeavour"

    2020-05-22 09:00

    Room 2.61 & 2.63

    3. BBO - 3 "Beyond Borders in Human Endeavour"

    2020-05-22 10:30

    Room 2.61 & 2.63

    4. TP - BBO

    5. EP - BBO

    6. OA - BBO