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  • SpaceOps-2020
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  • topic 2


    Operations Concepts (OC)


    (1) Operations Automation and Optimization (2) Operations Engineering (3) Operations Procedures Management (4) Operational Validation (5) Operations Concepts for Constellation & In Situ Ops (6) Operations Concepts for robotic missions (7) Payload Operations Concepts (8) Processes for Designing Operations

    TPC members
    • Topic Chair: Mr. Dave Welch, University of Colorado, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, United States;

    • Topic Chair: Ms. Sabrina Eberle, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Germany;





    1. OC - 1 "Operations Automation & Optimazation 1"

    2020-05-18 13:30

    Room 1.63 & 1.64

    2. OC - 2 "Mars Surface Operations"

    2020-05-18 16:00

    Room 1.63 & 1.64

    3. OC - 3 "Operations Engineering"

    2020-05-19 10:30

    Room 1.63 & 1.64

    4. OC - 4 "Operations Automation & Optimazation 2"

    2020-05-19 13:30

    Room 1.63 & 1.64

    5. OC - 5 "Constellation Operations"

    2020-05-20 10:30

    Room 1.63 & 1.64

    6. OC - 6 "Constellation Operations"

    2020-05-20 13:30

    Room 1.63 & 1.64

    7. OC - 7 "Operations Design"

    2020-05-20 16:00

    Room 1.63 & 1.64

    8. OC - 8 "Operational Validation"

    2020-05-22 09:00

    Room 1.63 & 1.64

    9. OC - 9 "Payload Operations"

    2020-05-22 10:30

    Room 1.63 & 1.64

    10. TP - OC

    11. EP - OC

    12. OA - OC