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    Flight Execution (FE)


    (Subtopics) (1) Real-time flight control, lessons and plans (2) Operations Management (3) End of Life Operations (4) Fault Management and Recovery (5) Spacecraft Emergency and Contingency Operations (6) Evolving Mission Capabilities (7) Long-Range Planning and Mission Optimization (8) Operational organization & associated skills where from

    TPC members
    • Topic Chair: Mr. Hubert Fraysse, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France;

    • Topic Chair: Mr. Keyur Patel, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United States;





    1. FE - 1 "The Insight mission"

    2020-05-18 13:30

    Room 1.61 & 1.62

    2. FE - 2 "Flight operations, lessons and plans"

    2020-05-18 16:00

    Room 1.61 & 1.62

    3. FE - 3 "The Hayabusa-2 asteroid mission"

    2020-05-19 10:30

    Room 1.61 & 1.62

    4. FE - 4 "Extending mission capability – 1"

    2020-05-19 13:30

    Room 1.61 & 1.62

    5. FE - 5 "Extending mission capability – 2"

    2020-05-19 16:00

    Room 1.61 & 1.62

    6. FE - 6 "Operations management"

    2020-05-20 10:30

    Room 1.43 & 1.44

    7. FE - 7 "End of life operations – 1"

    2020-05-20 13:30

    Room 1.43 & 1.44

    8. FE - 8 "End of life operations – 2"

    2020-05-20 16:00

    Room 1.43 & 1.44

    9. FE - 9 "Fault Management and Recovery"

    2020-05-21 10:30

    Room 2.61 & 2.63

    10. FE - 10 "Tools and analysis"

    2020-05-22 10:30

    Room 1.43 & 1.44

    11. TP - FE

    12. EP - FE

    13. OA - FE