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  • SpaceOps-2020
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  • topic 8


    Communications Architectures and Networks (CAN)


    (Subtopics) (1) Communications, Ground and Space Networking (2) Network Operations and Management (3) Integrating Communications Networks (4) Ground Network and Antenna Concepts (5) Communications Architectures for Complex Constellations (6) Operational Impact of Spectrum Allocations (7) Layered versus Integrated Architectures (8) Backup Communications Approaches (9) Interplanetary Networking

    TPC members
    • Topic Chair: Mr. Andrew Dowen, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United States;

    • Topic Chair: Mr. Klaus-Juergen Schulz, European Space Agency (ESA);





    1. CAN - 1 "Communications, Ground and Space Networking - I"

    2020-05-19 16:00

    Room 1.63 & 1.64

    2. CAN - 2 "Communications, Ground and Space Networking - II"

    2020-05-20 10:30

    Room 1.61 & 1.62

    3. CAN - 3 "Network Operations and Management"

    2020-05-20 13:30

    Room 1.61 & 1.62

    4. CAN - 4 "Ground Network and Antenna Concepts - I"

    2020-05-20 16:00

    Room 1.61 & 1.62

    5. CAN - 5 "Communications Architectures for Complex Constellations"

    2020-05-21 10:30

    Room 1.61 & 1.62

    6. CAN - 6 "Ground Network and Antenna Concepts - II"

    2020-05-21 13:30

    Room 1.61 & 1.62

    7. CAN - 7 "Integrating Communications Networks Architectures"

    2020-05-21 16:00

    Room 1.61 & 1.62

    8. CAN - 8 "Interplanetary Networking"

    2020-05-22 09:00

    Room 1.61 & 1.62

    9. CAN - 9 "Backup Communications Approaches"

    2020-05-22 10:30

    Room 1.61 & 1.62

    10. TP - CAN

    11. EP - CAN

    12. OA - CAN